Sunday, 17 February 2013

Postcards from the past

I've never been one to throw postcards in the bin, I know how much effort it takes to write them, and cherish the thought that others have bothered to do the same for me. Over the years the numbers exchanged have diminished, but they now serve as interesting insights into social history. The first one from Paris describes the price of drinks in 1983. We know it's 1983 because of the perfect frank on the reverse, it couldn't be more aesthetically placed! So the price of a coke in Paris was £2, I wouldn't want to pay that now, let alone 30 years ago. It's nice that 
the message relates to the front image, something that I try to do, to show the image was specifically chosen for you, rather than just some random choice.   
The second card is a handmade version of our holiday 'so far' in the Vendée, June 1991. I always thought it would be a good idea to take your own and draw them, and having a one year old meant we weren't doing a great deal, so this little narrative is a more personal insight into life sent home to an eager Grandmother.

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